Food MArketing & Technology In India CC for web-HIgh Res | Page 24

Feline Matter CHANGING TRENDS IN THE CAT INDUSTRY IN INDIA By Saquib Pathan* I n 2019, the pet sector in India expanded at the rate of 19 percent and crossed the mark of INR 4.1 billion. India is witnessing a tremendous change in the cat sector owing to its young demography, urbanisation and the rising disposable income in the middle class. Th ere is an increased inclination of people towards keeping cats, given the urban scenario of the nuclear family where a pet is seen as completing the family or making the house a home. Cats lower anxiety levels and reduce stress in today’s hectic work schedules. Hinduism has many animal deities which are worshipped on a large scale. Th e Cat Goddess, Shashti is the deity of vegetation and reproduction and is believed to bestow children and assist during childbirth. Barren women desiring to conceive and mothers seeking the protection of their children worship Shashti and request her blessings and aid. Even the Ramayana and the Mahabharata reiterate the involvement of cats with the human society. Superstitions are quite prevalent in our society even today, however the perception around the cats is changing steadily. Earlier cats were considered as a bad omen. As our cities grow, cats have become an ideal pet. Space is a huge concern in the metropolitan cities and this makes cats convenient pets as they require less space. In comparison to bigger animals like dogs, cats don’t require walks and human attention. Cats are much more suited for an apartment than dogs. Cats provide a sense of companionship in 24 Creature Companion | August 2019 • Vol. XII • Issue 8 • Noida