Food MArketing & Technology In India CC for web-HIgh Res | Page 16

Pet Food Market CHANGING PREFERENCES FROM PACKAGED FOOD TO NATURAL FOOD FOR PETS By Priyanka Tanwar* P eople around the world are shift ing from meat and processed food towards a natural and fresh diet. As per a recently published report, one in eight Britons are now vegetarian or vegan, a further 22 percent claim to being fl exitarian - a diet that primarily focuses on vegetarian food, occasionally including meat. Th is means that a third of UK’s consumers have willingly reduced the amount of meat they consume or have removed it from their diet altogether! On the other hand, Americans have cut their beef consumption by 19 percent, nearly one- fi ft h — in the years from 2005 to 2014 and consumption of chicken and pork in America has also fallen. As the harm caused by consumption of meat continues to be exposed, the population is leaning towards vegan living more than ever. Even doctors have begun to prescribe a fruit and vegetable diet to their patients. Now you must be wondering about the connection between human diet and that of pets. Let us consider what you feed 16 your children when you follow a specifi c eating pattern. Of course, whatever you consume! Pet parents do not consider their pets as animals kept for entertainment. Th ey treat them as their own children and are most likely to give them whatever they eat themselves, with some even sharing the same plate! Some common food consumption patterns that people follow are vegetarianism, lacto-vegetarianism and veganism. Dogs possess more omnivorous traits than carnivorous ones. Th is means they can live longer and healthier lives without meat. In fact, one of the oldest dogs that ever lived, for 27 years, ate only vegetarian food. Th is article highlights the alternatives for people who do not want their dogs to eat packaged food. Photo: Furrmeal Although, packaged foods sold in the market meet FSSAI and AAFCO plus vet certifi ed guidelines, many people want their dogs to eat what they eat. Aft er analyzing a few reasons for people’s preference of natural food, we came across researched articles which suggest that meat and processed food contain carcinogenic chemicals like hydrogenated oils, aspartame, saccharin and sucralose harming both humans and animals. Th ese preservatives and chemicals ultimately cause severe health problems. People are reckoning that there could be intolerance and allergies to their pets as well. Considering this as a business opportunity, many people have started preparing grain-free or gluten-free foods and other freshly prepared home cooked, unpacked and chemical free foods. Dogs possess more omnivorous traits than carnivorous ones. This means they can live longer and healthier lives without meat Creature Companion | August 2019 • Vol. XII • Issue 8 • Noida