Food For Thought September 2012 | Page 16

The Environmental Noticeboard Welcome to our notice board highlighting what Glanbia is doing for the environment. Glan bia F Cons on using is foc n fleet ts tio oduc er Pr r distribu mber of id sum of ou u n f liqu .An a Co n sions ilisation o anbi timisatio Gl mis op also ce e e ut route r to redu cts for th ergy are are also je en de ts in or able pro d wind r Produc mption su tain s an nsume sus r con o m ga oleu uated. C our wate ies. petr eval t facili ucing g bein d on red facturing u se man focu t our a rate Pr mer u od ucts The U S are p cheese a ublis hing nd whey Socia their busin l fir e emp Respons ibility st ever C sses lo orpo Repo have yees from ra rt. O b ver a te The r een invo a range do of lve ep envir ort will c d in com disciplin zen es onm over piling e a touc the hing ntal perfo ll aspec ts of data. on s rman show our usta ce a c sw com asing the inability mun on th ell as good itie e is an incre s. The m work Gla farm and ain im nbia asing on s usta d petu foc inab s for oes in ility a us by ou the r r key nd C custo eport SR. mers oods In the second half of 2012, D airy Ingredient commence the s Ireland will independently assessed on fa audits. The au rm sustainabilit dits will encom y pass issues su animal welfare ch as quality, and gather info rmation pertai emissions, ener ning to carbon gy efficiency an d biodiversity on suppliers’ farm s. Every Glanb our milk ia milk supplie be audited ever r in Ireland will y eighteen mon ths under this continual impr programme of ovement and the Glanbia M will act as supp ilk Advisory Te ort to help our am suppliers impr and their efficie ove their score ncies. In Januar y 2012 the proc at Virginia beca essing plant me the first Irish dairy processi achieve the pr ng plant to estigious Carbo n Trust Gold St and Ballyragg andard Award et will join the honours board audit process having passed in May. The aw the ards were achi 8.5% and 23% eved through reduction in ca an rbon emission years from the s in the last th respective plan ree ts. This is due projects and ef to the successf ficiency progra ul mmes rolled ou Energy Manag t under the ement Teams in place at both plants. Dairy Ingredie nts Ireland In the next issue of Food for Thought Comment corner – your chance to tell us what you think. If you have a suggestion, idea or something you want to tell your Glanbia colleagues. Contact Jack Kissane on +353 567772230 or email [email protected]