Oil analysis services
Operating a business is always a challenge , especially so now , with inflation , disruption in supplies and increased energy prices . Therefore , asset reliability and maintenance efficiency are as important as they ’ ve ever been .
You want to reduce maintenance costs , cope with disrupted supplies of lubricants and spares , and maintain operations without doing long-term harm to your assets .
How ? Through Condition- Based Maintenance ( CBM ) and Reliability-Centred Maintenance ( RCM ) strategies .
Oil Analysis can supply the data you need to :
• Prioritise maintenance for the critical plant that needs it most .
• Rectify issues relating to lubricant condition , contamination and quality ( poor lubrication is one of the primary causes of machine wear ).
• Extend service intervals for plant that does not need servicing .
• Identify root causes of contamination and wear and take steps to eliminate them .
• Greatly extend the useful life of your machinery .
• Maximise reliability and availability of your critical assets .
• Rationalise oil stocks and reduce spares inventory .
Talk to us about how Oil Analysis can help you reduce cost , improve reliability and take control of your resources and machinery . Whether it is lubricating and hydraulic oil , or electrical insulating oil , coolant , or fuel or even grease , you can rely on us .
We will provide prompt and clear oil analysis reports with comments and recommendations , with further advice only a phone call or an email away .
We will provide prompt and clear oil analysis reports with comments and recommendations , with further advice only a phone call or an email away . Our online results portal is easy to use and gives access to all of your data in one place , with great tools for monitoring trends and leaving feedback . We use intuitive images to relay cleanliness levels , so you will never be left confused by raw data from particle counts and ISO Codes .
Oil Analysis does not require any up front capital investment and is easily scalable with your needs .
Don ’ t delay , get in touch to see how you can improve reliability and save money with our Oil Analysis Services .
What ’ s in your oil ?!
Get in touch within a month of publication to take advantage of our offer ! Quote “ FDPP ” to request a free oil sample or get 30 % off your first order !
Swansea Tribology Services Ltd . www . oas-online . co . uk / FDPP oiltest @ trib . co . uk + 441792 799036