Description :
: Our Atomiser Sanitising Conveyors Conveyors have have been designed been designed for the sanitization for the of the sanitization of the outer surfaces outer surfaces of various products being of various products being transferred between low low and high and care high care areas . areas .
A huge variety of products can be huge variety of products can be transported through the Sanitising Conveyor transported , such through as the boxed Sanitising or bagged food Conveyor ingredients , such as boxed like vegetables or bagged food , sauces , coatings , blocks of cheese , ingredients like vegetables , sauces , the list is endless coatings , blocks of cheese , the list is
Operation :
: The solution tank tank is is automatically filled filled with a with pre-dosed a pre-dosed mixture mixture of water of water and sanitiser and sanitiser using a Dosatron using a Dosatron water water powered dosing pump . When powered dosing pump . When a product a product is placed on the in-feed is placed on the in-feed roller conveyor roller conveyor a sensor gives a signal a sensor to gives the control a signal to panel the control and the conveyor panel and the belt conveyor will start belt . Then will start using . compressed Then using compressed air the mixture air the mixture is then supplied is then supplied to five to atomiser five atomiser nozzles nozzles which are positioned above and which are positioned above and below below the conveyor belt . These produce
the conveyor a mist
belt within
. These produce the tunnel
a mist
giving within the total tunnel coverage giving of total all coverage surfaces of all the surfaces products of the that products are conveyed that are
conveyed the
through tunnel
the . The
tunnel control
. The control
panel has a built built in inverter inverter which which allows allows you to control you to the control speed the of the speed belt of and the ensures belt that and a ensures wide range that of a products wide range of products can be safely can be safely passed through the system passed through the system ensuring ensuring that hygiene routines can be that hygiene routines can be carried out carried quickly out quickly and reliably and reliably . Atomising . Atomising sanitization is is very very efficient as each as each nozzle only uses . 8 . 8 litres litres of of solution solution per hour hour and and with with the the integral integral gravity gravity recirculation system the use recirculation system the use of solution of solution is kept to a minimum and
is kept your
to a products
minimum will
and not
your come
products out of will the not tunnel come out dripping of the tunnel with dripping water . with water .
ABOUT About Us US At
At stainless stainless steel steel Manufacturing
Manufacturing & Equipment
& Equipment ltd , design ltd , design and manufacture and manufacture a wide range a wide of stainless range of steel stainless equipment steel
equipment the food and for pharmaceutical the food and industries pharmaceutical . Our design industries team have . Our over design 25 years team of experience have over and 25 have years worked of experience on projects and have for many worked of the on major projects food for and many pharmaceutical of the major manufacturers food and . We pharmaceutical are based in the manufacturers West Midlands ,. just We 3 are minutes based form in the West Junction Midlands 10 of the , just M6 3 . minutes All our products form Junction are manufactured 10 of the in M6 house . All and our we products are the UK are agent manufactured for the SCM boot in house washer and and we are the UK agent for the SCM boot washer and hygiene station range . We pride ourselves in manufacturing hygiene station range . We pride ourselves in manufacturing good quality products at competitive prices and as well as our good quality products at competitive prices and as well as our standard range standard range
We will manufacture items to meet customer specific requirements . We will manufacture items to meet customer specific requirements .
For more information or the place an order Please Call : 0121-661-6346 or Email : sales @ ssmeltd . co . uk
For more information or the place an order Please Call : 0121-661-6346 or Email : sales @ ssmeltd . co . uk
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