Food & Drink Processing & Packaging Issue 50 2024 | Page 82

Whisper vane pump XD4 DC powered for extreme duty

XD 4 pump delivers 15 l / min at up to 4 bars pressure with the 12 / 24 vdc motor . Self priming and quiet running for application in a range of transfer systems of non corrosive fluids such as oils and coolants . Pump produces flow not pressure , every rotation delivers a metered volume out the other side . Whatever system is connected to the pump has flow resistance which is then the source of backpressure as the pump works to maintain flow . Designed for continuous duty applications with harsh and poor lubricity fluids . Maximum temperatures to 200 C , viscosity to 25,000 cst , weight 4 kgs , self priming to 1.5 meters , wetted parts anodized aluminum .
www . ese . com
82 FDPP - www . fdpp . co . uk