The combination inspection machine consolidates a single metal detector uniquely divided into two compact apertures , plus two independent weight verification checkweighers .
Global cheesemaker invests in clever combi system
A family cheesemaker and dairy giant is benefitting from a gamechanging food safety inspection solution custom-engineered by Fortress Technology
Combining metal detection and checkweighing into a streamlined twin-lane configuration , this spacesaving inspection system is assisting a household cheese favourite to maintain its authenticity and consumer food safety promise . At the same time , the small-footprint machine is helping to optimise resources , reduce dairy waste and maintain the cheesemakers premium global brand integrity .
Processing approximately 11-billion litres of dairy liquids annually and supplying fresh products to over 60 countries , size hasn ’ t deterred this cheese processor from staying true to their underlying values . Tasting , approving and signing every cheese batch to accompany these internal quality controls , several of their flagship processing
60 FDPP - www . fdpp . co . uk plants now deploy the latest inspection and checkweighing technology from Fortress . Helping to ensure products are delivered to consumers and food service enterprises free of contaminants , as well as adhering to the latest international Weights and Measures regulations .
Being premium products , the ability to isolate each contamination event and reduce good product wastage was an attractive feature . Currently , five customised twin-lane Raptor ‘ Combination ’ systems are located between the upstream packaging area and the secondary case loading section in two of the company ’ s cheese processing plants . The innovative design has solved the immediate challenge of inspecting cheese products tightly spaced together .
Receiving sliced , blocked , shredded and soft cheeses directly from the upstream dual-head bagger and flow wrapping packaging machines , the integrated Fortress system starts with a cleverly engineered and compact curving conveyor . Designed to ensure optimal spacing between lanes , the conveyor also helps to avoid congestion by spacing product lanes out evenly as they are fed into the individual , lane-specific metal detector aperture and checkweighing belt .
“ One of the greatest challenges when checkweighing in fast-paced packing lines is making sure there is sufficient pitch from one pack to the next so that only one pack is