Food & Drink Processing & Packaging Issue 47 2023 | Page 41


WineGuard ™

WineGuard ™ is the new and secure way to send your bottled beverages through the post / courier system stem . Protect your glass bottles in transit with Wineguard ™ , Allpack ’ s range of bottled beverages transit packaging g solutions .
Manufactured using fully recycled materials and being fully recyclable , our pulp fi tment ranges fi t into specially designed cartons that can securely hold multiple bottled beverages , providing functional , affordable transit packaging protection .
Pulp Fitments and corresponding carton sizes available for the following amounts of bottles -
• x3
• x6
• x12
Supplied by
Scan to visit the full WineGuard™ range
100 % recyclable WineGuard™ is manufactured from recycled materials and can be fully recycled or composed .
Designed for maximum safety Designed for operational effectiveness with interlocking fi tments , to save spills in-transit .
Drop Tested for Peace of Mind WineGuard™ exceeds ISTA drop test protocols and removes in-transit damages / breakages or spillages .
� www . allpack . uk . com � sales @ allpack . uk . com � 01543 396 700