Food & Drink Processing & Packaging Issue 47 2023 | Page 36

UK Manufacturer Extends its Protection of Stored Bulk Crops Across the Globe

Liquid flowmeter specialist Titan Enterprises and agrochemical specialist Stored Crop Conservation Limited have been collaborating for over 20 years . Incorporating Titan ’ s 900 series turbine flowmeters , Stored Crop use a modified application system to extend the life of crops before and after harvest and maintain healthy storage environments .
Having established themselves in a niche market , designing fogging systems to treat customer environments , Stored Crop has seen demand for their crop ‘ fogging ’ machines installed around the world . Nick Green , Stored Crop ’ s CEO , enthuses : “ Where we are primarily servicing the food packaging industry and major food processing companies in the UK , our fogging machines are being requested by an international market . This has significantly increased our manufacturing demand , and Titan ’ s excellent service and response to demand has been a great support .”
Stored Crop ’ s fogging machines utilise Titan ’ s 900 series turbine flow meters to record and monitor the volume of dispensed chemical used to treat and protect crops , grain stores , poultry units and glasshouses . Hygiene and the elimination of pests and fungus is a major problem in the storage of bulk crops in modern agriculture . From the preparation of buildings used for food production through to mass food stores , cleanliness is essential to ensure the quality of the raw materials . For example , when potatoes are put into storage , the efficient application of a sprout-suppressing agrochemical extends the life of the product .
Titan Enterprises and Stored Crop have much in common , both being UK-based manufacturers , family-run companies and specialists in their field , so it ’ s not
36 FDPP - www . fdpp . co . uk surprising that the relationship is still going strong .
Nick Green reflects : “ Early on in our operation , we found a sprayer that utilised Titan ’ s flowmeters . We trialled one of Titan ’ s measuring devices , working with them to adjust the flow meters to meet our exact requirements . We use both the PVDF and stainlesssteel cased mini turbines as they are able to function accurately and reliably with aggressive chemicals where careful control of application volume is absolutely critical .”
Stored Crop ’ s system for fogging agricultural food stores and crops with a very fine mist of appropriate agrochemical , ensures the whole volume is treated evenly . The flow and volume of dispensed chemical is measured by Titan ’ s 900 series mini turbine flowmeters to ensure consistent and safe dispersal of these controlled chemicals . The durability and chemical resistance of Titan ’ s flow meters means that the different ‘ fogging ’ chemicals dispensed through Stored Crop ’ s machines , can be used in Europe , Argentina , Russia , China and Pakistan , for example , where each country has its own regulations regarding chemicals used for this process .
Neil Hannay , Senior R & D Engineer with Titan Enterprises said : “ These turbine flow measuring devices are an ideal lowcost component for OEM applications . The combination of chemically resistant flow meter design and low flow rates to ensure precision measurement is well suited for chemical dispensing or batchfilling systems .”
Titan ’ s 900 series offers 6 flow ranges from 0.05 to 15 L / min . The sapphire bearings give long life and reliability , and the choice of body materials makes this the ideal choice for metering aggressive chemicals , including ultrapure water .
For further information on Titan ’ s 900 series turbine flowmeters please visit https : / flowmeters . co . uk / product / 900- series-turbine-flow-meters /
Tel : + 44 ( 0 ) 1935 812790 Email : sales @ flowmeters . co . uk Website : www . flowmeters . co . uk