Intense UV pulses fully sterilize clear-packed clear liquids
as proven on our PUV system by Baxter Corp . with UV resistant spores of B . Pumilos .
Clarifications : the sterilization effectiveness of Pulsed UV light increases with its power from identical to the continuous UVC light by low pressure Mercury vapor lamps to turning on accelerated DNA damages possible only for more and more intense UV pulses . Further increases of pulse power in w / cm ² enters the PUVD region where the joint power of UV and also of the visible light pulses physically disintegrate all bacteria and spores . For this process to happen , these pulses have to be very short , intense and rapid . It makes it possible to sterilize vaccines in vials , clear-packed food items , etc .
For pharma companies our achievements open opportunities to sterilise transparent liquids in thin clear transparent glass vials or plastic bags .
To reach your objectives we offer to select optimal parameters for your application with these two systems . Or to sell you those . The tests results will also to design and to construct full-scale production PL sterilization tunnels or systems also for other usages
Our UV tunnel for powders in a flow-through sanitation or its photo-chemical modifications ( e . g . by UVB enriching the D2 vitamin in mushroom powders ) is designed for up to 100kg / h and for further adjustments as per data from your powder evaluation on our Vortex >
We offer evaluation tests at our place or can sell such Vortex . It allows a cost-effectively to reduce micro-organisms at 1-2 logs & more . < in Vortex powders are moved around a UVC lamp by a forced air flow with the Oxygen being replaced with the Nitrogen gas . Wek-tec e . K . looks for a capable partner to mutually benefit from our IP and suppliers .
With our systems & services come benefits of German manufacturing .