Food & Drink Processing & Packaging Issue 42 2022 | Page 4


of juices & wines or honey & creams keeping unchanged its properties with our Pulsed Electrical Fields ( PEF ) pilot system :
Configuration :
• 1x PEF chamber for solids & creams and 1x coax PEF chamber for liquids ,
• For liquids- batch or direct flow processing .
Changeable Parameters :
• Pulse rates in Hz : 4 , 20 , 100 , 500 , 4-100 ;
• Pulse lengths in μs : 2,5 , 5 , 10 , 50 , 2,5-20 ;
• Electrical fields in PEF chambers 5-50kV / cm ;
• Selectable time for pulsing ;
• 25kV power supply delivers up to 2kw or 3 kW
Pulse shapes :
• positive rectangular , fronts / tails - ca . 1 µ s ;
• Flatness : ca . 2 % at 5 µ s , ca . 10 % at 25 µ s ;
• pulse controls : by a digital scope ( provided ), automatic overcurrent control .
For more details on this PEF system please click the photo .
While the basic PEF process is known since decades as stretching bacterium till its eruption by sharp pulsing electrical fields each practical case , aside of already known for clear juices , requires a process development work for finding optimal PEF pulse parameters . For performing lab R & D we offer our bench-top PEF system as on the right . It also has broad selection of PEF parameters and two PEF chambers .
Specifically important to have a broad selection of sharp rectangular pulses with various durations ( left ) and frequencies ( right )
More is in “ Basics of the PEF technology ”.
info @ wek-tec . de www . wek-tec . de