Food & Drink Processing & Packaging Issue 40 2022 | Page 19

Vidyanath Gururajan , managing director at B-Hive Innovations , says : “ At B-Hive our core purpose is fourfold : reduce food and energy waste , increase marketable yield , enhance produce quality and add value to farming fresh produce businesses .
“ Placing actionable insights at the hands of growers to minimise wastage supports packers and retailers further along the supply chain and provides additional assurances on the quality of their potatoes , prior to hitting the shelves .
“ By both understanding more closely what they will be harvesting and the opportunity to enhance marketable yield , farmers are better placed to market their produce , strengthen supply chain relationships and attain the best value based on their supply of potatoes and relative demand .”
B-Hive is working closely with growers to tailor the product to overcome the issues they face on an individual and everyday basis . As the TuberScan technology evolves , B-Hive hopes it will be a catalyst towards further innovations of precisionbased equipment such as intelligent sprayers .
Vidyanath adds : “ B-Hive Innovations is constantly refining and developing new technologies - through groundbreaking collaborations - to increase the accessibility for intelligence-led planning to potato farmers of varying scope and scale . By improving marketable yield and reducing crop variation , this technology aims to ultimately reduce the carbon footprint in the potato supply chain .”
www . b-hiveinnovations . co . uk
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