of brine throughout the product . Combined with low injection pressure , brining or marination time is reduced and moisture retention is optimized meaning reduced post-injection purge . No overnight holding time is needed with this method , which also means that the need for handling and storage is reduced .
The technique is highly accurate , and customers that trialled this powerful injection equipment at GEA ’ s testing facility reported an increase in yield of up to 5 percent on average against their current processes .
Moving on to the cooking stage , GEA ’ s CookStar GEN 3 oven brings to the process a unique and highly specialized method of cooking and is the only industrial oven of its kind currently on the market . The CookStar cooks with greater precision than its predecessors , using combined horizontal and vertical hot airflow in a patented impingement zone , for an even distribution of airflow across the width of the belt . This means that all products are rapidly and equally cooked at the same time . The two-direction airflow also reduces overall cooking time , allowing for increased throughput .
During the first stage of cooking , humidity is introduced to the products , bringing additional moistness , but prior to being fully cooked , the products pass through the impingement phase , which carefully dries the surface of the meat , preparing it for roasting without drying out the core . The entire cooking process is quicker than traditional processes and results in more succulent chicken with a more attractive , richly browned color . Customer trials based on the CookStar GEN 3 resulted in yield improvements up to a further 3-5 percent .
To put this into perspective , according to GEA an extra one percent of yield can be equivalent to approximately one million dollars profit for food processors .
So overall , GEA ’ s Signature Chicken solution can bring total yield increases of up to ten percent depending on the product . The process results in chicken which is more succulent for consumers as well as being more profitable for food processors .
Visitors to the 2022 IFFA show in Frankfurt on May 14-19 will have the opportunity to learn more about GEA Signature Chicken where they can find out about how the system can be used for optimal yields .
For more information visit www . gea . com
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