Food & Drink Processing & Packaging Issue 39 2022 | Page 49

Industrial Effluent Treatment & Utilisation
Industrial Effluent Treatment & Utilisation

Light At the End of The Membrane

The trying times over the last few years , have proved challenging to the food and drinks sectors for the continued operation of their manufacturing and production facilities . With ever increased lockdowns on travel , WEHRLE have been able to provide remote support to their existing and new clients , as well as develop enhanced support packages using augmented virtual reality . This new system has been used to provide day-to-day process stability support , as well as provide technical supervision for the installation and commissioning of new facilities across the other side of the globe . We have continued to help our clients meet and improve on their sustainability goals , using tailored inhouse technologies , for the generation of renewable energy and recycled water and WEHRLE continues to provide , local engineering support through its global engineering network .
WEHRLE are a 160-year-old family run business , located in Southwest Germany . Its UK division is based in Bloxham , Oxfordshire and has been operating for over 20 years .
Should you require further information please contact : info @ wehrle . co . uk or visit our website .
www . wehrle-werk . de / en / environmental-technology