Food & Drink Processing & Packaging Issue 39 2022 | Page 36

Which consumer-product relies most heavily on precision engineering ?
The first product to come to mind should be daysoft daily-disposable contact lenses
Which consumer-product relies most heavily on precision engineering ?
The first product to come to mind should be daysoft daily-disposable contact lenses
Let me explain ; daysoft relies on the skilful application of the most advanced manufacturing processes in the world to produce millions of identical contact lenses , time after time . Our unique process produces lenses at half the cost whilst only using half the plastic compared to any other daily-disposable contact lens manufacturer .
All this has been made possible by the development of a unique process of manufacture based on incredibly advanced precision engineering where the lens is made entirely inside a concave mould of exceptionally high precision .
The mould precision relies on the absolute accuracy of metal formers which have been cut to give outstanding accuracy and a ‘ mirror ’ finish using diamond tipped tools in air-bearing lathes to eliminate all polishing .
The highest level of precision is not just to ensure the lenses provide great vision but so that they sit comfortably and safely on the human eye making … every day a comfortable daysoft day
Kind regards Ron Hamilton CBE , Engineer , Contact Lens Inventor and Daysoft Founder
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