The Red Lion Solution
Edible oil is a highly competitive market . Delivering health and wellness through their superior products , Kaleesuwari is a company that prides itself on its responsiveness to customer requirements . However , they were unable to receive real-time data from the 24 line machines operating in their plant , and therefore no accurate data was being collected on production output . They were also experiencing significant challenges around workforce schedule monitoring , unable to match worker shift hours with production . The company previously tried to solve these issues by employing additional labor to manually count the production for each machine , but this led to many human errors – it was essentially guesswork on bag orders , with a great deal of raw materials being wasted .
Because of these inaccuracies , senior management made frequent visits to
30 FDPP - www . fdpp . co . uk the plant floor to identify production inefficiencies . Relying heavily on intercommunication with their operators , concerns were manually logged into a spreadsheet – an imprecise process that provided no real actionable data that could result in a comprehensive resolution strategy .
The lack of proper production data also significantly impacted customer deliveries , ultimately affecting customer retention . As a manufacturer of Fast-Moving Consumer Goods ( FMCG ) products , turnaround must be rapid to remain competitive in the market .
The customer needed to obtain accuracy in its production data , avoid unplanned downtime , remotely monitor machine status , and streamline stock and production . This required a solution that would not change the existing production process but rather optimize it for better management and logging of data . To meet this challenge , there were many different elements involved , including the machines , the production team , and senior management . Moreover , it was critical to register details from the existing PLCs , presenting another challenge as other PLC vendors were involved . With the support of Kaleesuwari management , Red Lion was able to provide a solution that was quickly implemented on their production line .
THE RED LION SOLUTION The team at Red Lion introduced Kaleesuwari to the concept of data mining from performing control systems , agnostic to any PLC installed . SAS Automation was used as the system integrator , supplying installation and commissioning of the system / project . Offering a trial demonstration of their