Diagnostic tools that will revolutionize industrial network maintenance
Preventing unplanned stoppages and simplifying troubleshooting is high on the agenda for anyone maintaining an industrial network . Procentec , the global leader in diagnostic and monitoring solutions for the Industrial Automation Market , has sparked a widespread interest in the industry with the release of multiple new tools . These cost-saving products are designed for anyone working with PROFIBUS , PROFINET EtherNet / IP , EtherCAT and Industrial Ethernet .
The star of the show is undoubtedly SNAP Analysis . This unique , selflearning feature analyses the live data of a PROFIBUS network . It then gives an instant written diagnosis of a fault ’ s most likely cause , removing the need to manually interpret complicated oscilloscope images and messages , something not all technicians can readily do .
SNAP also uses a predictive algorithm to recognize and learn from data patterns , enabling it to predict common network faults . This tool is available as add-on within Osiris ; Procentec ’ s powerful diagnostics platform that helps you identify and resolve network issues .
ATLAS2 ; 24 / 7 , MULTI-PROTOCOL MONITORING SOLUTION Atlas2 is designed for the permanent monitoring of industrial networks with single or mixed architecture . This secondgeneration diagnostic tool , which is based on the popular Atlas unit , takes fault detection and diagnosis to a much higher level .
Atlas2 is four times faster than its predecessor , accelerating troubleshooting routines considerably . Whether you ’ re using PROFINET , EtherNet / IP , EtherCAT and / or PROFIBUS , you ’ ll discover that Atlas2 gives you a much more connected and predictive approach to machine health monitoring and maintenance .
OSIRIS ENTERPRISE ; AN INTUITIVE HELICOPTER VIEW OF THE ENTIRE NETWORK Included in the long line-up of releases is also Osiris Enterprise . This new external platform fuses the data of multiple permanent monitoring Atlas units into one convenient overview , allowing technicians to monitor for the first time their entire Industrial Ethernet network from anywhere in the world .
An overview of all the releases , product demo ’ s and more information can be found on www . procentec . com . For questions , advice or quotations , please contact Jonathan Machin , Global Sales Manager at Procentec : jmachin @ procentec . com | + 44 ( 0 ) 7534307696
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