Shining a light on innovative solutions to energy-efficency
Suresense Technologies Ltd has been offering uniquely innovative energysaving solutions to the food industry for the last decade . Being a UK manufacturer , Suresense owns all its intellectual property thus the products on offer cannot be acquired anywhere else .
Suresense produces all its own highly intelligent LED high bay , low level lighting and is the world leader in fixed speed variable load energy saving motor controllers . Fixed speed energy saving being the key words here , most companies do not realise that there is another option other than a variable speed drive to save energy on electric motors .
The ‘ Eluma ’ LED lighting comes with a very attractive 10 year warrantee and is designed to optimise every LUX per watt delivered . In simple terms this means massive savings , typically in the region of 85 % - 90 %. The operational benefits also cannot be overlooked , in a production environment where down time is money , not having to worry about your lighting for the next decade or more , is a huge benefit . Usually , there is always a relationship between maintenance and energy-saving , here customers get a double-whammy . Statistically purchasing cheap LED ’ s will always end in time and money being wasted , and unnecessary problems created by failures . One failure can cost up to £ 500 to correct .
The ‘ Integra ’ unit offers a soft start which has mechanical and electrical benefits and energy-saving when the motor is up to speed , particularly useful on granulators or shredders which are usually left on for long periods of time without actually being used . The Integra unit also has the option built in to automatically switch motors off when not in use . Typically in these cases , the end user enjoys a massive 70 % – 80 % saving .
The ‘ Atmos ’ sensor which can be used as a standalone sensor is built into every ‘ Eluma ’ unit and is the brain behind achieving huge energy savings . The Atmos works on RF ( Radio Frequency ), the main benefit of this is data transfer , lights can be set individually or as a group . The advantage of setting lights in groups is uniformity – all lights react to environmental changes without interfering with one another . The Suresense R & D engineers that have developed the Atmos sensor ( and all the
Suresense products for that matter ) have uncharacteristically , a huge amount of practical experience . This results in the products being designed around real-life scenarios .
Although Suresense produces its own products , it is more about providing a solution to a problem – in this case , energy . Suresense offers its customers a free survey to establish what can be achieved and also delivers a report which is targeted at ‘ decision makers ’, giving them all the information they need to make an informed decision to implement the technologies . All Suresense products are designed to deliver a return on money invested in any given project .
Suresense sees its projects through to the end and its practical approach to lighting designs are always appreciated by its customers . It prides itself on the ‘ personal touch ’.
To understand more about what Suresense can offer , please email : survey @ suresense . co . uk
www . suresense . co . uk