Food & Drink Processing & Packaging Issue 32 2021 | Page 17

Allowing for super-fine detailing with reduced breakage , Syntac ® STS ( Strong Tough Solutions ) is wear and abrasion resistant , providing high levels of repeatability whilst maintaining product quality . Suitable for use up to + 180
C , Syntac ® STS is strong , tough , and durable with consistent performance , making it suitable for food packaging requiring a deeper draw ( mold ) and high clarity finish .
Trelleborg ’ s Syntac ® CIS and Syntac ® HTS materials are made from highgrade epoxy resin and hollow glass microspheres ( HGMS ), while Syntac ® STS uses a novel thermoset polymer matrix . Each of the new Syntac ® materials are available in sheet , bar and cast versions . Syntac ® is easy to machine and finish , offering a cost-effective alternative to traditional aluminum materials .
The latest materials in the Syntac ® range are available as a castable system . By casting the plugs instead of machining , customers can reduce the amount of wasted material and save time by removing the need for CNC machining or outsourcing for those customers without access to in-house CNC-machining .
Cast plugs can be used instantly or quickly finished , reducing delays , and providing a fast hot-swappable solution . As part of the casting process , Trelleborg can add in customer specific aluminum inserts to support the easy attachment of the plugs to either the ceiling or bed plate of manufacturing equipment .
Kerry Lyons , Business Development Manager , Trelleborg ’ s applied technologies operation in Rochdale , England , says : “ Our Syntac ® range of materials are specifically developed to meet the changing needs of our customers and are engineered to be lightweight , durable and tough , offering a cost-effective alternative solution to wood , nylon and aluminum .”
For packaging applications that require a deeper plug , Syntac ® STS provides a hard wearing , abrasion resistant solution . Suitable for use up to + 180 O C , Syntac STS is durable , and supporting high levels of repeatability , ensures consistent , high quality performance . Packaging manufactured using Syntac ® STS can have super-fine detailing with reduced breakages , improving production efficiencies .
Packaging for fresh produce or designed to highlight the bright colors and attractive appearance of goods , such as confectionary , requires a high clarity finish . Poor plug assist material selection can result in clouding to the end product , or an uneven , inconsistent finish . Syntac ® HTS and Syntac ® STS produce a high clarity end product across a range of temperatures , meeting the requirement for application specific materials .
Kerry Lyons , continues : “ Our Syntac ® range of materials are available off the shelf with shorter lead-times than previously offered , with manufacturing taking place in our UK facility . Downtime is a real issue for manufacturers , by helping customers to select the right material , they can increase efficiency , improving productivity and uptime .”
For more information on our Syntac ® range please contact us at appliedtechnologies @ trelleborg . com
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