Fanuc Robots
Collaborate With
Each Other!
PPMA Total Exhibition, NEC Birmingham, 27-29 September 2016, Stand C50
WRITTEN BY Abbey Labels
Abbey Labels
FANUC City is situated at the foot
of Mount Fuji, near Lake Yamanaka.
Covering 1.5 million square metres, it is
home to all FANUC’s unique production
At the PPMA Total Exhibition, on the
fencing, these cage-free robots can
Now, just as when a human intruder
FANUC stand (C50), FANUC is taking
work side by side with humans on
penetrates the safety system, the
robotic safety a further leap into the
shared or separate tasks.
robot in the cell will likewise react if
future. A collaborative robot, or cobot,
designed for working safely with
In the conventional cell, which is
the collaborative robot gets too close.
completely open on two sides,
The game-changing human safe
FANUC’s Dual Check Safety (DCS)
CR-35iA robot has an impressive
containing a conventional robot.
technology is combined with a safety
35kg payload – higher than any other
scanner and safety camera. The robot
collaborative robot on the market,
Over the last couple of years, the first
will slow down to a safe speed as
opening up applications that have
generation of collaborative robot has
humans approach the cell, but will
previously been off-limits for both
been revolutionising the way in which
only stop when a hand moves into
traditional industrial robots and lighter
robots and humans work together.
the cell itself. This allows them to
duty collaborative robots. Key target
In contrast to traditional robots,
maximise productivity and not spend
areas include automation assembly
which cannot operate in an operator-
unnecessary time ramping back up to
lines, metalworking and packaging.
occupied workspace without safety
full production speed.
human colleagues, will be challenged
to work alongside a caged cell
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