Charlie Roberts, Buxton Factory
Jamie Needle, Development
Manager, said:
Manager at Derwent Hydroelectric
“Buxton is already one of the
Power, commented:
most state-of-the-art factories
“We are very pleased to have
for bottling water in Europe. We
agreed to provide hydroelectric
frequently produce more than 2
power to Nestlé Waters generated
million bottles in a day of natural
at our site in Belper on the river
mineral and spring water, giving
Derwent, and at two of our other
people the chance to choose a
sites, over the next three years.
healthy beverage, and we always
"As a hydroelectric generator,
strive to make our products as
sustainability is at the heart
sustainable as possible.
of our business model, which
"Bottled water is widely
is why we are delighted to be
recognised as having the lowest
partnering with Nestlé Waters to
environment footprint of all
help their operations become as
packaged beverages and this
environmentally sustainable as
initiative brings us closer to zero
environmental impact and sees
Earlier this month Nestlé
bottled water production actually
announced that of its grid-
powered by water!”
supplied electricity in the UK
Nestlé UK & Ireland is a subsidiary
of Nestlé SA, the world’s leading
nutrition, health and wellness
company. We are a major
player within the UK and Irish
food industry employing 8,000
employees across 20 sites.
and Ireland now comes from
renewable sources.
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