Food & Drink Process & Packaging Issue 31 2020 | Page 30

3D image processing in the food industry

Quality assurance is of existential importance in the food industry . If a product does not leave the production line in the way the customer wants or imagines it to be , the effects on the success of a product can be devastating . Whether the pizza does not look the way the customer wants it to look because of the print on the packaging ( for example , there are too few slices of salami on it ) or the bread does not have the shape or degree of browning that is expected – all these are factors that have an influence on the success of a product .
Quality assurance also has very practical advantages in the production process . For example , by measuring the height of the product , it can be ensured that it fits into the intended packaging .
These applications require an easy to use , robust and reliable 3D vision system . The 3D camera SATURN from EVT meets exactly these requirements . Camera and control unit are located in a small housing ( 10 x 5 x 10 cm ). Only one cable ensures data transfer and power supply . This guarantees a simple and fast installation . Different options allow the selection for nearly all geometries and working distances to achieve an individual adaptation to the application regarding image field and measuring accuracy . The measuring accuracy of the SATURN is up to 15 µ m for the image width ( X ) and up to 8 µ m for the height ( Z ). The resolution in the Y-direction is also very high at a line frequency of up to 3000Hz even at high object speeds .
The EyeVision software allows even inexperienced users to quickly generate an image and parameterize it for the particular application with easy-to-use functions . The online help , tutorials in YouTube , sample programs
30 FDPP - www . fdpp . co . uk and of course personal support guarantees that the user can quickly find a safe and high-precision solution for his task .
The tasks of quality assurance in the food industry are so diverse that different systems from different manufacturers are usually required . As each system usually has its own software , several programs must be handled .
The software EyeVision from EVT is a nearly hardware independent image processing software . Whether vision sensors , which are rather used for rudimentary tasks , PC based multi camera systems , 3D line or area cameras or even thermo- and hyperspectral cameras are used to realize a solution , with EyeVision all these sensors can be used . EyeVision is always more powerful than the standard software of these cameras . The resulting advantage that only one software is used in a factory is almost priceless .
EyeVision enables the easy use of different sensors / cameras , e . g . to check the correct filling of cans , while at the same time using a thermal camera to ensure that the product temperature or sealing seam is correct .
Contact us at info @ evt-web . com or visit our website www . evt-web . com for more information about EyeVision applications and products .