Food & Drink Process & Packaging Issue 30 2020 | Page 43

Manufacturers aiming for zero downtime during cleaning can deploy a second set of conveyor belts to resume production immediately after a product change over by switching the belts whilst the first set is being cleaned. Check out: C33 PlusLine Washdown Checkweigher and C35 AdvancedLine Washdown Checkweigher production immediately after harsh washdown, without affecting accuracy and weighing results. To find out more How Washdown Resistant Checkweighers can Reduce Cleaning Downtime, request your free eDemo now! #3: UPHOLD PRECISION WEIGHING IRRESPECTIVE OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS A loadcell is the heart of a checkweigher, however, excessive fluctuations in temperature caused by, for example, high pressure cleaning with hot water can affect its performance. Manufacturers looking to uphold precision weighing irrespective of environmental conditions should consider Electromagnetic Force Restoration (EMFR) loadcells. These are more accurate, measure at a faster rate, and are temperature-stabilised compared to other loadcell types. This enables the manufacturer to resume FDPP - 43