Sparc addressed these issues by
designing the Cerberus with a heavy,
stainless steel frame. Whereas other
suppliers are reducing weight, Sparc
engineers maintain that a heavier
framework reduces vibrations from
the factory environment to eliminate
the potential for false readings. Charlie
comments: “In addition to its smart
design, the high-spec checkweighing
station offsets the potential for both
costly product giveaway and incomplete
packages reaching the market. In some
cases, our customers have reported a
55% reduction in product giveaway.”
Keeping quality control front of mind,
the system utilises a precision metal
detector to inspect packaged food
products. Identifying metal contaminants
with high sensitivity drives increased
security and reduces the risk of costly
recalls. Food items involving numerous
production steps where the potential for
metal contaminants to enter the supply
chain is higher (sliced meat and cheese,
frozen products and convenience meals
etc.) benefit from this repeatable and
consistent inspection process.
As a single unit, the Cerberus has two
reject bins to separate contaminant
and weight rejects situated beneath a
three-position dipper conveyor. Notably,
unlike most other combination systems
which typically use pusher or air blast
reject systems, the Cerberus uses an
all-electric direct drive which dips 90
degrees and 45 degrees to segregates
metal contaminated products from
weight rejects.
BRC-approved reject bins are located
beneath the conveyor framework
rather than to the side, keeping the
machine footprint as compact and
slimline as possible. By containing these
components within the body of the
machine, plant flexibility and factory
footprint are enhanced.
“As a high-end combination metal
detector and checkweigher, the Cerberus
was designed to eliminate emergency
product recalls with minimal operator
intervention at inspection set up or
product changeover. Furthermore, the
in-line, electric-powered reject system
removes the need for compressed air,
which has been proven to save some
manufacturers up to £4,000 a year on
running costs.
Regulatory mandates in the food
industry to maintain compliance with
retailer Codes of Practices and HACCP
principles mean that the fully automated
machines segment is expected to
dominate the inspection equipment
market in the years to come.3 Every
retailer COP requires food manufacturers
to test their metal detectors and
checkweighers regularly and document
the results. But for staff completing
the tests by hand, the costs in time and
money can be vast and the process is
subject to human error.
To ensure absolute traceability and
compliance, Sparc designed the Cerberus
with a single swipe touchscreen HMI and
paperless audit software with unlimited
pre-programmed COP. Believed to be
the most transparent system of its type,
contract packers and manufacturers
supplying multiple retailers can select
from an unlimited list of retailer COP by
product type. When a routine Quality
Assurance machine test is due - typically
hourly - , a visual alert is issued to
operatives. Steps cannot be skipped.
And if not performed to the set retailer
parameters, this is also flagged by the
machine and in the data reported that’s
transmitted to the factory’s Quality
Assurance manager.
When upgrades are issued, Sparc simply
sends the new retailer COP parameters,
which operatives can insert and upload
to the machine via the built-in USB.
Food factories are also able to select
and bring to the HMI foreground their
preferred operational parameters.
Charlie adds: “By generating constant
feedback on operational statistics such
as volume, weight and speed, downtime
is reduced. And, the data capture
element is fully integrated, making it
simple to send information direct to the
server or wireless devices.
“With the Cerberus, nothing gets passed
these food safety gates. No other combi
system can accurately inspect 200 food
packs a minute without compromising
on any other aspect of performance.
It is literally the most transparent and
integrated combi system on the market
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