Ishida weigher gently supports
confiserie Bosch’s growth
An Ishida multihead weigher, specifically Wibele are small biscuits which
designed to gently weigh delicate Confiserie Bosch produces as a premium
and fragile products, has helped to product to meet the highest standards
significantly boost efficiency and of quality. This means that each biscuit
growth – delivering a 30-fold increase needs to look perfect in its packaging,
in speed - at leading German biscuit and and so breakages must be minimised.
confectionery manufacturer Confiserie The Wibele used to be packed by hand,
Bosch. which was very labour-intensive and
offered little flexibility.
The company is Germany’s largest
manufacturer of the Wibele, a traditional “We would encounter bottlenecks
sweet biscuit from the region of especially during peak times, and
Swabia. Since it changed hands in employee absences had disastrous
2010, Confiserie Bosch has experienced consequences,” recalls Wolfgang
rapid growth which led to its move in Hellstern. He then conducted an unusual
2018 to a new headquarters on the experiment, spending one-night filling
outskirts of the town of Uhingen “Sales bags himself. “When I saw the rather
have doubled in recent years, and our sobering results the next morning, it
production lines could no longer keep became clear to me that although we do
up,” explains Managing Director and a lot of production by hand at Confiserie
owner Wolfgang Hellstern. Bosch, we needed machines to help us
out,” he explains.
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