Quickfreeze are the first company
to offer Environmentally friendly
cooling towable trailers
Quickfreeze is the first company in the One of our recent customers was a youth
UK offering towable CO₂ refrigerated football club that used the trailer for a
trailers for hire. Our trailers avoid the tournament where it was used for chilled
previous logistic challenges of delivering storage for their meat and drinks during
a refrigeration solution via an articulated the event.
lorry, which is not always convenient for
your intended location. Our trailers are perfect for eco-conscious
CO₂ is a natural refrigeration solution, and choice for the environment. They use a
we believe is the future for this sector. transcritical system which can provide
It is more efficient to run, and certainly chilling or freezing to suit your application,
more environmentally friendly than the which is cost-effective in most climates.
customers who want to make the right
more conventional refrigerated trailers
which commonly run on HFC gases.
Our trailers are available to rent for events,
hospitality functions and pop up stalls,
CO₂ has a very low GWP (global warming
potential) value of 1 as opposed to the
current refrigerant typically used such
as R404A having a GWP equal to 3800.
or as an emergency backup for food and
pharmaceutical companies.
Contact Quickfreeze for your CO 2
With refrigeration legislation increasing refrigerated trailer requirements and
over the coming years, HFC R404A is CO 2 refrigeration components by email
already out of circulation and others will [email protected] or 01536
follow. 428456
6 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk