Raise your expectations:
Affordable x-ray solutions without compromise
X34: Precise - Reliable - Easy-to-Use
calibrated checkweigher examines each Interest in companies offering high-
sachets with a filling weight of 5g individual sachet for the correct weight quality contract services is increasing
each. The new line has been installed and automatically rejects any bags that continuously, and more and more
in Plant 2, which was built specially for are not within the specified filling range. manufacturers are glad to make use of
these possibilities. One of the reasons
retail products on the company’s site in
Wittenburg. Sachets are well received As SternMaid’s commercial manager is that product life cycles are becoming
by both the trade and consumers, not Mark Riemer explains: “Single-portion shorter all the time. Products have to
least because of their light weight, packs like sachets have a multitude of reach market maturity faster against a
excellent barrier properties and easy uses and are becoming more and more background of rapidly changing market
handling. popular in practically all fields, for they conditions. SternMaid is able to meet
enable manufacturers to adjust their these demands with a wide selection of
The sachet line’s extremely precise products to consumers’ active lifestyles. packs and containers in different shapes
metering system permits flexible Since our first sachet line was reaching and sizes.
filling of different types of powdered the limits of its capacity, we decided to foods and food supplements such as acquire a second filling unit. That helps dry beverage bases or vitamin blends. us respond more flexibly to the different
4 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk
The combination of the X34’s precise 0.4mm detector, powerful
generator and advanced ContamPlusTM software means food
manufacturers can detect hard-to-find physical contaminants,
eliminating costly product recalls and protecting consumers
and brand reputations.
screening and metal detection. A line for single-portion bags, so-called commissioned a second packaging
customers’ precise requirements.”
demands of the market and meet our
and safety standards with protective SternMaid meets the demanding quality packing specialist SternMaid recently
The contract manufacturer and co-
Second packaging line for sachets
The X34 x-ray system has already established itself as the
company’s most successful x-ray product. Created specifically
for the packaged food industry, It is accessible for all food
manufacturers wanting a product inspection system designed
for precision, ease-of-use and reliability, all for outstanding
value. Yet the system does not compromise on its ability to
detect and reject metal, glass, high-density plastic, mineral
stone and calcified bone fragments.
Visit our website to find out more:
4 www.mt.com/xray-X34