First flexible, fast and
affordable paper bagmaker
With several of the major multiples
now indicating a preference for paper
rather than recyclable plastic for flexible
film applications, packaging machinery
specialist ILAPAK has collaborated with
packaging manufacturer Van der Windt
Verpakking to develop a breakthrough
bagging solution. An adaptation of
ILAPAK’s flagship Vegatronic 6000
bagmaker, the new system can run off
paper pillow packs and pouches that can This means there can be a temperature films, ILAPAK’s solution offers three and any original films and complex
be fully recycled via kerbside collection. variation of 15-20°C across the sealing clear advantages over its rivals: price, laminates without any changes other
surface. Paper is a more heat-sensitive flexibility and speed. than adjusting the temperature via the
“Our engineers have modified the forming
material which requires heat to be applied
tube and sealing system of the Vegatronic
uniformly across the sealing area. ILAPAK
6000 to enable us to run an innovative
has utilised specially treated sealing jaws
paper film. With the likes of Tesco keen
in conjunction with super-conductor
for suppliers to pursue paper packaging,
technology to ensure quick and even
we are anticipating massive interest in
transfer of heat.
this new system. It is a fraction of the
cost of other paper packaging machinery
offerings plus it gives users the option
“The only other systems that we are
aware of for packing in paper films are
considerably more expensive – up to
four times the cost of our machine –
and are dedicated to that application,
so they don’t offer the same substrate
Whilst there are other bagmakers on the flexibility. Our system is interchangeable
market that claim to be able to run paper in that it can switch between paper
control panel. Furthermore, whereas
some baggers on the market can only
manage 20ppm on paper applications,
our system can maintain normal
production speeds,” explains Tony
of running original films on the same
machine,” says Tony McDonald, sales and
marketing director at ILAPAK UK.
Pressure on the food industry to reduce
non-recyclable packaging has intensified
since the screening of Blue Planet II last
year. One response has been to move
from non-recyclable plastics to recyclable
and paperboard industry is targeting no industries, including fresh produce, baked
more than 3%. Most paper-based films goods, confectionery and pet food.
available on the market today are in fact
non-recyclable composite multi-layer
This main challenge of running paper
on a vertical bag maker is that it is very
PE for some flexible applications. laminates with the appearance of paper. However, these plastics have to be taken Working together with ILAPAK, Dutch hard to produce a pack with straight lines
packaging manufacturer Van der Windt and a perfectly formed gusset. The key
Verpakking in cooperation with its printer to overcoming this issue is to hold the
Cartomat, has successfully developed paper firmly in position and prevent it
a paper film called CartoPaper® that from creasing prior to sealing. ILAPAK’s
uses a special water-based water based engineers achieved this by modifying
non-extruded coating to support both the forming tube to make the film path
sealing performance and compliance through the forming shoulder and the
with the European standard EN643.2. A remounting system smoother with less
guaranteed paper content of at least 95% acute approach angles.
to bag collection points for recycling and
the UK’s infrastructure for processing
these materials is over-capacity.
Therefore, in recent supplier discussions,
supermarkets such as Tesco have
expressed a preference for paper films
that can be recycled via household waste
The challenge with developing paper film
that can run on bagging equipment is
means this paper can be recycled.
prone to creasing, which can make it
The sealing system on the Vegatronic
that it requires some plastic content to Using the industry-leading Vegatronic 6000 also had to be re-engineered.
ensure a successful seal. If the paper film 6000 as its starting point, ILAPAK has Usually, when sealing a plastic film, heat is
is to meet the EN standard for recycling, engineered a progressive bagmaker that applied to a ‘hotspot’ in the centre of the
the plastic content must be restricted to can accommodate this film to produce sealing area, and spreads outwards from
below 5% by weight, although the paper recyclable paper packs for a number of there.
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