The concept, developed together with part of the manufacturing process of the
Naber Plastics, a well-known injection- tray, a label is included that enhances
moulding company in the Netherlands, its design possibilities, but also provides
is suitable for modified atmosphere a higher barrier. As the label is fully
packaging, making it ideal for delicacies. integrated into the polypropylene, it is
In short, EasyLid® is a tray-sealing resistant to moist. This is particularly
technology that enables sealing and beneficial to chilled deli foods, as the
lidding in one single step, hence creating label will not detach from the tray and a
maximum efficiency in the packaging high-quality appearance is guaranteed.
process. The system requires special,
patented trays that, next to the common the packaging process: a true innovation
sealing edge, have an additional from every perspective. Recognized for its
perforated ring. A peelable seal is applied impact on the environment, the EasyLid®
to the regular sealing edge, whereas the system has already been award with
additional ring is hermetically sealed in various international packaging prizes.
the same process. Upon opening the
How to make three out of two –
EasyLid ® allows for more sustainable
packaging of deli products by saving a
full step in the process
tray for the first time, the lid function is IMPROVED RECYCLABILITY, ATTRACTIVE
automatically activated. This allows the LOOKS
consumer to reclose the tray and keep its To produce the EasyLid® trays, Naber
contents fresh during its entire shelf life. Plastics uses 100 percent polypropylene
(PP). “In doing so, we are following
By eliminating the common snap-on the European guidelines on packaging
lid, EasyLid® is significantly more cost materials for protein products, as well
efficient and resource saving than as the changing requirements of major
comparable packaging. This stems from a retailers, who are demanding mono
series of benefits. For food manufacturers, materials for improved recyclability“, as
the investment costs are reduced by not Marcel Veenstra explains. “However,
requiring a lidding system. Furthermore, a resource-saving use of materials
the ground-breaking concept saves on and better recyclability of the plastic
time and space in their valuable production do not have to go at the expense of
area, reduces the need for storage capacity attractiveness.”
and minimizes packaging waste. In other
Achieving better climate protection Especially in the segment of delicacies, & Communications Manager at Sealpac words, the EasyLid® concept contributes EasyLid® trays are perfectly suited for
through more sustainable use of for example when packaging products International, explains. SEALPAC, a to greater sustainability and efficiency in in-mould labelling (IML). In that case, as
resources is a global challenge, but such as salads, antipasti, seafood, cheese leading global supplier of traysealers food manufacturers have a special or meat, often only plastic packaging and thermoformers, as well as innovator responsibility here. Packaging made can provide the required product safety. in packaging technologies, sees itself of plastic protects the product against The challenge for manufacturers lies in as a pioneer. “For some time now, our spoilage throughout its entire shelf finding functional, yet at the same time research and development activities life, as well as against damage during more sustainable packaging systems have been focused on the optimization of storage and transport, thus ensuring that combine ecological and economic conventional packaging systems towards safer and longer-lasting food. The aspects. more sustainable alternatives, leading to
downside: according to the European
film, tray and in-mould label, in this
case mono PP, easy recycling is made
possible, as recommended by the various
packaging guidelines in food production.
The EasyLid® solution runs on all of
SEALPAC’s fully automated A-series
traysealers. Depending on the application,
outputs of up to 160 packs per minute are
achieved. “EasyLid® is already celebrating
success across Europe. With hundreds
of millions of trays produced so far, it is
an established concept that proved itself
even before the industry made resource-
saving production methods a priority.
As a result of the latest market trends,
it is now in even greater demand, which
makes us very happy. Because nothing is
as powerful as coming up with a clever
innovation at the right time“, Marcel
Veenstra concludes.
innovative solutions such as FlatSkin®
Commission, citizens in Europe produce In case of deli products, trays with and eTray®. Our developments always
25 million tonnes of plastic waste each reclosable lids are a common sight. This follow the same premise: they must be
year. The European Strategy for Plastics packaging system allows for convenient technically feasible, but also economically
in a Circular Economy by the European handling, safe storage of opened packs viable.”
Commission intends to lay the foundation and excellent protection of the product for a new and sustainable plastics against premature deterioration. Such EASYLID® – SAVINGS ACROSS THE
industry. One of the aims of this strategy trays are often supplied with a snap- ENTIRE CHAIN
is to change the way plastic packaging on lid, in addition to the top film that SEALPAC successfully introduced a whole
is handled within the European Union. provides the hermetic seal. “This third new packaging system several years
However, there are a number of food component, however, clearly contradicts ago, which is now receiving increased
applications for which there currently with the general pursuit for plastic attention due to the discussion about
is no suitable alternative to plastic. reduction”, as Marcel Veenstra, Marketing plastic waste: EasyLid®.
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By using the same material for the lidding
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