Award-winning Proseal
versatility on show
The wide variety of tray sealing solutions
offered by global specialist, Proseal, will
be demonstrated by the two models on
display at the Polagra Tech Exhibition, on
stand 111 in Hall 5.
The company will be showcasing its
advanced GTR semi-automatic, rotary
machine, ideal for compact efficiency
at smaller operations, and its fully
automatic, compact, high throughput
GT4s, which has now been awarded an
MTP Gold Medal ahead of the exhibition.
The Gold Medals are awarded by a jury
of experts to products that demonstrate
innovation based on superior technology.
The Proseal GT4s combines a compact
design with fast speeds and rapid tool
changes that enable companies to react
quickly to meet customer demand,
handling atmospheric, gas flushing and
hermetic shrink sealed trays at speeds
of up to 140 atmospheric packs per
minute with a seven-impression tool.
The tray sealer is ideal for a variety of
applications, including fresh fruit, meat,
poultry and ready meals.
Among the GT4s’s many advanced
features, ProMotion technology
improves speeds by up to 30% using
following motion and intelligent
buffering technology to enable trays
to feed continuously into the sealer
without stopping. Eseal® ensures
excellent seal reliability with an
increased seal force of 200% while
achieving a 92% reduction in energy
usage to deliver valuable cost savings
and sustainability benefits.
As well as its speed and efficiency, the
GT4s has been designed for reliable
A rapid two-minute tool changeover compact dimensions mean it can fit
reduces downtime and gives the tray into the smallest of factory spaces.
sealer enormous flexibility through
its ability to seal vastly different tray Despite its semi-automatic operation,
types while maintaining the same the GTR has been designed to maximise
efficiency and accuracy. The ‘Auto- speeds. Unlike traditional manual
tool’ tool change system automatically machines where the operator has to wait
locates and connects tooling to for each tray to be sealed, the rotary
machine functions including all MAP operation of the GTR means a new tray
options. can be loaded while the previous one is
being sealed, delivering higher speeds
and consistent operation in high-care
hygienic food environments. Its rugged The GTR has been designed for and efficiencies to meet production line
food-industry approved hygienic companies with smaller production requirements.
construction provides easy cleaning, runs and is also the perfect choice for with full washdown protection. new product development work. Its
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