InfinityQS helps manufacturers
unlock hidden value from their
Automation and Control Investments
Article by Jason Chester, Director of to leverage greater value from their
Global Channel Programs, InfinityQS data assets, by transforming how that
quality and production data is viewed,
Within the food and beverage improving workflows and enabling
manufacturing sector, Automation and better, faster operational decisions.
Control (A&C) technologies have been
As this trend becomes mainstream,
the focus of major investments for
providers of A&C services to
several decades. These investments
manufacturers increasingly recognise
have transformed the landscape of
the necessity of having a quality
manufacturing into highly efficient and
intelligence solution capability within
automated environments which control
their portfolio. Not only to service the
almost every aspect of the production
need from their manufacturing clients,
and packaging process.
Quality of the end goods, and the
processes involved in the manufacture
of these goods, are of paramount
sensors are now used across F&B
operations, what ‘could’ manufacturers
do with the vast amounts of
but also to leverage the significant
commercial opportunity and competitive
differentiation that it represents.
production-data they amass from that Through the InfinityQS Global Channel
food safety requirements and packaging infrastructure? In truth, the answer is Partner Program, A&C service providers
legislation, such as net content control, simply - a lot! There is significant hidden can become an authorised sales and
but also to satisfy consumer demands value in that data, and manufacturers service partner of the Enact Quality
and expectations, and protect the are beginning to see the opportunity of Intelligence solution. By combining their
brands’ reputation. Achieving this, while unlocking that value. A&C expertise with our Enact solution,
importance. Not just to satisfy regulatory
at the same time ensuring operational
efficiency and productivity levels
remain high and waste remains low, is a
That’s where the InfinityQS Enact®
solution comes in. Enact is a Quality
together we can deliver greater success
for the client.
continual challenge for the sector. Intelligence platform powered by If you would like to discuss the
real-time Statistical Process Control opportunity of becoming an Enact®
Given the extent to which PLCs, SCADA (SPC). Whatever the industry, Enact is partner, contact us for a chat at
systems, HMI controls and in-line digital helping manufacturers around the world [email protected].
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