Cost and time efficient
linear motion: Thomson
MLA series hybrid stepper
motor actuators available
from Heason Technology
covers maximum stroke lengths of
up to approximately 38 mm for the
smaller motors and 63.5 mm for the
larger motors. Both precision and
standard grade lead screws can be
ordered with positioning accuracy of 250
microns/300 mm and 125 microns/300
mm respectively. Through the range, the
maximum linear force, which is speed
dependant, is around 100 Newtons
for the NEMA 8 frame motor and 600
Newtons for the size 23 (at lower
speeds). The MLA series is designed for
lower-speed positioning in the range of
25 to 250 mm/sec and best suited to
space constrained low-force positioning
tasks that require high repeatability.
Heason Technology can guide customers
through the selection process to optimise
the choice and size of actuator for the
The MLA series complements Thomson’s
MLS and MLN series stepper motor
driven leadscrew assemblies that feature
Thomson MLA series stepper driven actuators –
available from Heason Technology
rotating screw and rotating nut designs
respectively and are equally aimed
Recently introduced by Thomson especially shorter travel linear axes often
Industries and available with full support require custom made mechanics which
from its UK distribution partner Heason add unwanted length through bearing
Technology, the new MLA series stepper blocks and couplings.
motor driven lead screw actuator features
integral anti-rotation guidance and has As an all-in-one positioning component,
been designed as a compelling solution the MLA can be easily integrated
for shorter stroke linear positioning tasks. into such automation tasks, reducing
The rod-style, fully housed MLA series space and minimising the design and
can save the time and cost of design and assembly requirements. This way
build for support bearings, lead screws Heason Technology’s customers can
and coupling mechanics, where the simply specify load, stroke length and
torsional force free actuator fulfils all of end mounting details for each axis from
the componentry required for precision a comprehensive range of options, then
motion. the complete actuator set is delivered and
Typical stepper motor driven positioning
ready for installation.
mechanics, including stepper actuators, The MLA design includes an aluminium
drive a lead screw that translates the cover tube with moulded splines in which
motor’s rotary motion into linear motion the nut is locked through integrated low-
and force by way of a captive nut. This friction bushings that additionally enable
requires additional support components the actuator rod to withstand small radial
and an external anti-rotational device for and moment loads.
the nut. Whilst some machine designers
might choose complete position stages The range is available with NEMA type
that have these features built-in, micro-stepping motors, with frame
or design their own anti-rotational sizes from 8 through 23 in single and
mechanics, space restricted and double stack power ratings. The range
52 FDPP -
at space restricted applications with
similar force and positioning accuracy
characteristics. The choice of three
stepper motor driven actuator styles
brings flexibility for small scale machine
Heason Technology supplies Thomson’s
ML series actuators as separate
components along with compatible
micro-stepping drives and motion
controls, or as integrated components as
part of the motion specialist’s in-house
design-and-build systems integration
service. The West Sussex based motion
specialist offers complete sales, technical
support and service across Thomson’s
linear motion and power transmission
component range in addition to working
with other leading motion control
equipment manufacturers to automation
and positioning system solutions for
challenging applications in a diversity
of industries including aerospace,
automotive, defence, research, robotics,
process control, packaging, motorsports
and many more.