Waste Minimisation Initiatives for the
Food & Drink Processing and Packaging
Established in 1987, Kenburn Waste you reduce your ever increasing waste
Management has over thirty years’ management costs.
experience within the waste management
industry, providing cost effective By not providing a waste collections
and environmentally friendly waste service, we are free to offer you
minimisation solutions for the food, drink completely impartial advice on the most
and packaging industry. efficient methods of waste management
and you are free to negotiate the best
During this time, we’ve built up an price with your recycler for your waste
impressive portfolio of clients, from world materials.
famous department stores to some of
the largest food processing plants in the We supply a range of quality equipment
country. This has enabled us to become that will suit most needs and because
one of the UK’s market leaders for waste we’ve been in the industry for so many
management advice within the food and years we are able to offer both new and
food packaging industry. refurbished equipment.
All machines we supply come with at
With a wealth of experience within this least a 12 month warranty, whether new
sector, a member of our sales team can or refurbished.
visit your site to assess your current
waste handling operations and audit the We help our customers save money on
waste you’re generating. We can then their waste management costs. We
provide suggestions and solutions to help would like to help you too.
To arrange a no obligation, free of
charge waste audit, please contact us on
01727 844988.
[email protected]
FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk 45