Without a running back up compressor to since 2000, operating state-of-the-art which was a challenge that our breadth of
step in seamlessly during issues with the workshop facilities in Cheddar, South expertise ensured we could meet.”
primary compressor, production uptime is Wales and Exeter to ensure a responsive at greater risk. UK service. In fact, the business operates
So, when a leading brewery found that
the 500kW motor powering its on-site
compressor back up had failed, the
business required an urgent motor
repair and refurbishment to minimise
the chances of downtime. With
reference to pre-existing maintenance
schedules, while balancing adequate
time for a quality repair with ensuring
manufacturing security, a timeframe
of seven weeks was settled on by the
Once the motor was re-installed, the
24/7, 365 days a year to support the beverage manufacturer again had access
needs of its customers. Engineers to a compressor redundancy. As a result,
undertake in-house training provided production uptime was effectively
by leading motor manufacturers, so safeguarded to ensure productivity
can quickly familiarise with customers’ and profitability. Backed by the highly
motors for a speedier repair. responsive 24/7 Rotamec service, the
Alan Brooks, Branch Manager for Cheddar
at Rotamec, remembers the project well:
“In terms of this customer, we were
required to rewind the motor and carry
manufacturer also has access to the
support required for continued high
speed, large scale manufacturing in the
long term.
out a general overhaul. The challenge was Alan concludes: “I am very proud that
that the motor featured pre-formed coils, the team could conduct this specialist
which are not the most common type. We motor rewind to schedule, despite the
therefore had to source these coils quickly challenging coils. Not every supplier can
before we could begin the rewind. Luckily, achieve this, but thanks to our capability
business was not only able to service the we have a wide-ranging capability with regards to specialist motors, which meant with regards to motors of all types, it was
motor within the seven week timeframe, but also provide a cost advantage. we could solve the issue. Ultimately, we Rotamec has been providing high quality were able to return the now refurbished motor rewinds and repairs to industry motor within the seven-week deadline,
After contacting several motor
specialists that could not fulfil the project
requirements, Rotamec was selected. The
a challenge we could meet effectively and
When a leading brewery found that the 500kW motor powering its on-site
compressor back up had failed, the business required an urgent motor repair and
refurbishment to minimise the chances of downtime.
FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk 39