Ergonomics in the
Industrial Workplace
Businesses across all sectors are handling and lifting activities are one of or twisting: some of the most common
becoming increasingly aware of the the leading contributors to work-related causes of MSDs.
importance of employee health and musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), which wellbeing. There is little doubt that account for around a third of all workplace the workplace of the future will place injuries [HSE, 2019]. An optimised work greater emphasis on solutions designed environment with access to ergonomic to promote ergonomics and reduce lifting equipment minimises the risks.
workplace injuries. AJ Products can help
you create well-planned, healthy work
environments completely customised to
Cleverly-designed trolleys and material
handling solutions help prevent injuries
your business. due to incorrect handling by reducing
Ergonomic design has been one of the strain placed on the body. AJ Products
cornerstones of AJ Products’ product has years of experience providing lifting
development since the company was equipment to processing plants, factories
established in 1975. Throughout and distribution hubs. We can provide
our range we have put a focus on innovative and tailor-made solutions to
functionality and ergonomics to help ensure compliance with HSE regulations.
make workplaces safer, healthier and
more convenient for staff. AJ Products
is uniquely situated to be able to help
the frequency of lifting tasks and the
Moreover, our range of sit-stand
workbenches, roller conveyors and
As well as ergonomic solutions, AJ
Products is also a manufacturer of
industrial storage solutions. Thanks to
our range of food-grade shelving and
cold store racking, we can provide food
handling businesses with practical and
hygienic solutions.
Thanks to our 40 plus years of experience,
AJ Products can provide a complete
solution from free-of-charge project
planning and design suggestions to
quick delivery and installation. Whether
a one-off order or a large refit project, AJ
Products is a one-stop shop for all your
workplace needs. We are committed
to making all workplaces happier and
healthier places to be.
anti-fatigue matting provides a more For more information on how we can
employee wellbeing. ergonomic working position for support your business, visit
employees on processing lines, reducing or call us on
Injuries caused by incorrect manual the need for additional lifting, bending 0800 634 4369 to speak to our sales team.
businesses across all sectors prioritise
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