The rotary-jaw wrapper can be tailored
to meet customer requirements.
In the case of LICKALIX, this included a
specification for a stainless-steel build
with low-friction surfaces at the infeed
to suit frozen lollies which, if they are
allowed to stick, will leave a residue.
“Changeover on the Ilapak machine is
menu-driven, which was not the case on
our previous flow wrapper,” says Karis.
“What’s more, the compostable film is
harder to handle, so we needed a system
we could be sure was up to the job.
For one thing, the sealing temperature
tolerances can be set much tighter than
on the old flow wrapper.”
Ilapak account manager Tony Bryant
explains: “The Smart flow wrapper
has the ability to store temperature,
dwell-time and pressure settings to
meet the specific needs of any number
of films, including in this case a complex
compostable structure.”
Problem-free running, with no
unpleasant surprises, is especially
important where frozen products are
being wrapped in ambient temperatures,
so that they can be returned quickly and
efficiently to a refrigerated environment.
“Pre-installation trials at the Ilapak
factory were important, so they were
able to run the different films we use,
and because ice lollies can, in any case,
be hard to pack,” says Karis.
The flow wrapper is capable of speeds
up to 100 packs per minute (ppm)
handling the lollies, which are made in
75g and 63g variants, says LICKALIX.
The company hopes to ramp up output
towards the 100ppm level.
According to LICKALIX, its positive
impressions of Ilapak were not just to
do with the quality and versatility of
the machinery it supplied. “One of the
As a fully-automatic machine, the Smart The company sells its lollies through
flow wrapper is accessibly priced for Ocado, as well as health food chains
start-ups and small businesses. Planet Organic, Wholefoods and As
In addition, on this occasion, Ilapak was
Nature Intended.
able to help LICKALIX out with flexible They are also on the children’s menu at
commercial terms. Jamie Oliver’s ‘Jamie’s Italian’ restaurants,
reasons we chose Ilapak was the level of Improving the efficiency of other parts of
support its team offered,” says Karis. It the production process is LICKALIX’ first
helps that Ilapak is very local to us, but priority, but Karis says she can foresee a
the training they gave us, as well as their time when further Ilapak flow wrapping
response on any other type of follow-up, capacity could be required.
and sold through many of their 800+
retailers across the country such as cafés,
leisure centres, and independent outlets.
has been superb.”
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