Doughnut Peddler makes over 800,000 deliveries each year of freshly baked goods
Entry Level Ultrasonic Food
Cutting & Portioning
Investment in four Stealth Metal We want to hit the highest industry
Detectors from Fortress Technology has standards and make sure we protect our
underpinned an aggressive expansion customers and end-consumers with a
program for North American bakery safety program they are confident in.
company, Doughnut Peddler. The Metal detection adds another layer of
presence of reliable, industry-leading ‘failsafe’ protection,” explains Jason Yada,
metal detectors has enabled the dynamic National Director of Sales at Arizona-
doughnut producer to elevate its lines to based Doughnut Peddler.
top food safety standards, meeting Good
Manufacturing Practice requirements
and winning the confidence of new retail
“We’ve seen a snowball effect in the last
three years. Once our customers see
what we are capable of, they want to
work with us in other territories. We’ve
As with America, the European doughnut been firing on all cylinders to meet this
market is experiencing growth, with growth,” says Jason.
specialty retail outlets and bakeries the
primary distribution channels. Globally,
the market is projected to reach around
USD 55.0 billion by 2024, growing at a
CAGR of 5.2% over the forecast period
(2016-2024). In the space of three years,
Doughnut Peddler has gone from being a
single-bakery operation servicing a single
state, to a multi-site enterprise supplying
retailers across nine North American
“We always strive for perfection in terms
of efficiency, food safety and quality.
8 FDPP -
To keep pace with demand, 2017 saw
the opening of two new bakeries - in
Chattanooga, Tennessee, and Charlotte,
North Carolina, and Doughnut Peddler
opened two further sites last year, in
Orlando, Florida and Houston, Texas.
The company is now making more
than 800,000 deliveries each year,
transporting over 60 million doughnuts,
cinnamon rolls, apple fritters and other
freshly baked goods, to convenience
stores across North America.
Doughnut Peddler has installed
four Stealth conveyor systems, each
checking 160 doughnuts per minute