Keep your cool with the HardCap
Aerolite ® - the lightest best performing
full shell Bump Cap available
The HardCap AeroLite® from JSP is Underneath the textile cover is a tough Tested to BS EN 812, the HardCap
the lightest, best performing, full shell HDPE shell and a lightweight EPP AeroLite® consistently exceeded its
Bump Cap on the market weighing less impact liner offering class leading impact requirements, recording an average
than 135g without compromising on performance. The HardCap AeroLite® transmitted force of just 5kN – well
performance. looks stylish and feels good to wear with below the maximum 15kN allowed by the
the added padding for extra comfort and standard. It was also successfully tested
optimum fit. The padding is replaceable at temperature extremes of -40°C and
and the comfort pad and sweatband are +50°C, making it the best-performing
moisture wicking to move sweat away full-shell bump cap on the market.
It is designed to be worn in work
environments where there is a risk of
impact to the front, top and also scrapes
to the side of the head from stationary
The HardCap AeroLite® is extremely
lightweight and comfortable, which
is really important to individuals who
need to wear bump cap protection for
long periods of time in today’s busy
demanding environments.
The sleek textile cover has large open
weaved panels to facilitate the transfer of
cool air to the head reducing heat build-
up and discomfort making it one of the
coolest caps on the market.
12 FDPP -
from the skin.
The HardCap AeroLite® is adjustable to
The Polygiene® treated sweatband fit head sizes from 53cm to 63cm and
and foam-cushion comfort pads guard available in black or blue, with either
against the growth of bacteria, fungus a 50mm or 25mm peak. The longer
and mildew reducing skin irritations peak provides more shade in outdoor
and odours and therefore requiring less or brightly-lit environments, while
washing. The Polygiene® treatment is the shorter version allows for better
permanent and effective for the lifetime vision when looking upward. The large
of the product. Wear more and wash reflective areas on the side panel of the
less® – Polygiene® treated garments can textile cover and the reflective piping
be used more times before washing and around the peak provide extra visibility in
can be washed at lower temperatures low-light conditions. This textile cover is
which means that you save energy, water, removable and machine washable.
time and money.