Another food metal inspection
‘world first’ from Fortress
Fortress Technology has launched nothing else on the market comes close a high value and high market image, for
yet another food inspection world to the Interceptor DF when looking for example steak burgers, Parma ham and
breakthrough - a metal detector that thin, non-spherical metal contaminants in Parmesan cheese. Rather than scanning
inspects low profile, high value products products,” claims Phil. a select number of frequencies, the
vertically and horizontally concurrently
to achieve the highest sensitivity on the
Believed to be the first ever multi-
orientation, multi-scan food metal
detector, the Interceptor DF is especially
conveyor-style metal detector inspects
raw, cooked and packaged products using
multiple field directions.
The Interceptor DF (Divergent Field) is sensitive to very thin metal contaminant To increase food safety, the Interceptor
a result of the company’s longstanding flakes and foils that are difficult to detect DF system addresses several previous
expertise in metal detection and its more on low profile foods, including chocolate, limitations - notably orientation, size,
recent development of the two channel, confectionery, nutrition bars, cookies and geometry and position of metals. It’s
two frequency Interceptor range. “The biscuits. especially reliable at detecting very thin
ability to choose the direction of the
inspection field is itself ground-breaking,”
says Fortress European Managing
Director Phil Brown. “Performance wise,
8 FDPP -
The Interceptor DF can also be used to
inspect small thin packages of conductive
products like cheese and deli-meats with
flakes and foils that could be introduced
to premium foods in the mixing, rolling,
cooking, scoring, moulding, slicing or
baking processes.