flexible flooring soluuons for
your Business needs
Specialists in Hygienic flooring
Working closely with food and beverage manufactureres,
both large scale and micro, PSC flooring Limited
understands that hygiene, safety and longevity are
amongst the most important factors when seleccng any
new floor surface.
With over 30 years’ experience operaang throughout the
UK, PSC specialise in seamless resin screeds ideal for food
processing plants, bakeries, dairies, breweries, abaaoirs,
meat processing areas and commercial kitchens.
offering the complete package
Our complete industrial flooring package
includes the following services:
FREE Site surveys & specificaaon
Surface preparaaon by vacuum shot blassng
& diamond grinding
Heavy-duty polyurethane resin flooring
screeds - thermal shock resistant and able to
be steam cleaned up to 120 degrees
W et area ann-slip systems
Hyginic and seamless coving and wall renders
delivered on me, budget & spec
PSC understand ““me is money”and your facility
cannot spare much downnme, so your flooring
installaaon to be as swii as possible. PSC are flexible
to carry out the work needed in your me frame,
working to your budget.
Speak To Our Experienced Team
PSC Flooring Limited
Unit 24 Hoobrook Enterprise Centre, Worcester Rd,
Kidderminster, Worcestershire DY10 1HB
T 01562 750999 E enquiries@pscflooring.co.uk