Putting air to work in the food,
beverage and packaging industries
Highly automated production operations
are nothing new these days, however,
the benefits of using air systems may not
be as well recognised in a food, beverage
and packaging environment. Leicester
based specialist, Impact Air Systems Ltd,
have been providing such solutions for
many years.
Impact’s air-based extraction systems
can be found hard at work in a huge array
of industrial sectors where the production
process produces a waste stream or
requires the working environment to be
improved due to dangerous emissions
or odours or where dust needs to be
controlled. Whether the process involves
producing the base material such as
cardboard or plastic or converting those
materials into a finished product such
as an aluminium food tray or decorative
carton sleeve, Impact has a solution.
responsibilities and of course health collecting the waste and delivering it to
For example, within the high speed & safety, Impact Air Systems are a bin.
and highly automated production of continuously being asked how their aluminium or steel beverage cans, systems can help.
Impact Air Systems provide a range
of efficient solutions. The significant
volumes of waste aluminium from the
can forming process and production
spoilage (especially when operating
across many production lines) is
pneumatically conveyed through a range
of ductwork to a central waste handling
area for automatic baling and robot bale
dedicated staff, repeat business and
30 years’ experience trading across market leading reputation, ensure
the globe, have waste extraction and that the solutions offered are both
dust control solutions to suit highly competitive but fully engineered to the
automated food packaging companies client’s individual requirements.
such as those converting carton board
material into decorative food sleeves,
flexible packaging or label manufacturing
companies working with difficult to
handle polymer and composites materials
which need to be effectively collected, cut
extraction solutions and ink mist and transported to increase conversion
extraction, as well as odour control and speeds, or just plain old nuisance dust,
dust control systems for drying oven waste heat, or fumes which must be
exhaust gases, which are laden with collected in a responsible manner for
VOC’s and highly explosive internal disposal.
opportunities for the benefits of air.
Technical Sales Director for Impact Air
Systems, Dave Lansdell, comments
As production demands increase and “over the last 15 years, the technical
industries are more focused than and environmental challenges of the
ever on driving down operating costs, companies we trade with, has increased
increased productivity, environmental significantly from the days of simply
18 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk
operate, strong working partnerships,
The Leicester based company with Impact also provide coolant oil mist
lacquer applications. There are numerous
The diversity of industries in which we
I love the work we do and wouldn’t want
to do anything else, one day I can be
working at British Sugar or beverage
can manufacturers, the next, Coveris
or Westrock, followed by large scale
household waste recycling facilities such
as Biffa or Suez, the diversity is fantastic
and often the experiences gained in one
type of production process, can be utilised
for something completely different.
The number of applications where air can
be put to work still amazes me.”
To understand more about how Impact’s
air systems can work for you
visit www.impactairsystems.com or
call 0116 2448855.