DIGI Europe Ltd
DIGI Europe Ltd, is the wholly owned the MI-700MS and LI-700D LS will be DIGI Europe prides themselves on
subsidiary of Teraoka Seiko, who began showcasing at this years’ IFFA exhibition achieving the paramount quality and
their journey in 1989, supplying retail in Frankfurt, Germany. The new models dependable customer service for both
machines manufactured in Japan. Now, have revolutionised the way the food their national and international customer
DIGI Europe Ltd manufacture and supply industry weighs and labels the products. base. DIGI distributors are present in over
Industrial and Retail solutions worldwide, The new models use smoother conveyor 40 countries and they have 9 subsidiaries
and have even created their own transitions, low maintenance aesthetics in Spain, Italy, America, India, Belgium,
WorldView Software to compliment their on the frames, definition cabling for Netherlands, Korea, France and Germany.
equipment. easier servicing, a faster digital loadcell
From bakeries to ready meal producers,
poultry suppliers to fruit and vegetable
factories, you will find DIGI Europe’s
Weigh Price Labelling solutions in
all areas of the food manufacturing
to reach speeds of up to 160 packs per
minute on the HI-700HS model and
powered pack guides to prevent the packs
from sliding out of position for accurate
Their team of dedicated professionals
include their newly expanded Export and
UK sales team, their talented Research
and Design, Software and Production
teams, who allow them to make their
customer’s requirements become a
industry. Their vast range of built This year also brings about the 30th reality and of course, not to mention all
to order machines, compliment the anniversary of DIGI Europe, in which the other departments which enable DIGI
customers requirements perfectly, using time they have successfully become one Europe Ltd to thrive in the competitive
extensive knowledge of the industry of the World leading suppliers of Weigh world of Weigh Price Labelling.
and consultancy to obtain correct Price Labelling solutions. For 30 years, specifications. DIGI Europe Ltd have perfected their
This year brings the beginning of High-
speed revelation for DIGI Europe. Three
brand new machines; the HI-700HS,
10 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk
machines, building their reputation of
reliability and high-quality machines, and
using their expertise to grow with the
industry and their customers market.
If you would like to speak with one of
the DIGI advisors today, please contact
sales on [email protected] or
call 01440 712175.