Strictly by the recipe: Mobile rotary lobe
pump enables exact metering in the
molasses mixing process
Production of a wide variety of foodstuffs experts of LEWA GmbH, the company were viewed, a rotary lobe pump of
often requires a base mass as an chose a Pomac PLP2-2.5 rotary lobe the type Pomac PLP2-2.5 was used
emulsifier. This is a mix of phospholipids, pump; Hansa Industrie-Mixer GmbH & on Woldering’s recommendation. This
which are composed of fatty acids, Co.KG provided the matching control pump is characterized particularly by
glycerine, phosphoric acid and choline. system for the system. its speed reliability, low noise level and
Lecithins are components of various
fats and oils and are particularly
abundant in egg yolks and cells of plant
seeds—such as in rapeseed, sunflowers
and soy. These substances require
particularly gentle preprocessing and
precise further processing according to
recipe specifications in order to ensure
uniform product quality. To guarantee
this at a flow rate of approximately 200
kg in the shortest possible time while
maintaining a high degree of viscosity
for the molasses, the Hamburg-based
company Terheggen & Dethlefsen –
Food Engineering GmbH decided to
purchase a corresponding unit for the
new application on its premises. After
extensive on-site consulting from the
6 FDPP -
“When conveying, processing and
metering substances specifically
in the food and delicacies industry,
high metering accuracy even when the
medium being conveyed has a very high
degree of viscosity.
accuracy, hygiene and speed are Up to 1000 rpm, a maximum pressure of
required above all else,” explains Heinz 15 bar and EHEDG-certified
Woldering, Area Sales Manager at
LEWA. “Depending on the degree of
viscosity of the liquid medium to be
conveyed, this task can be difficult,
and many conventional pumps fail to
meet the high operating requirements.”
At Terheggen & Dethlefsen, the high-
viscosity base molasses has to be added
to the product from an intermediate
bulk container (IBC) during the mixing
process in accordance with the recipe
specifications. After the local conditions
“The pump version used at Terheggen
& Dethlefsen is a stainless steel design
that satisfies the strict criteria of the
EHEDG,” says Woldering, elaborating on
the pump’s advantages. “The modular
design of the Pomac line and the various
options with respect to the installed
seals and connections enable a high
degree of flexibility for the installation
and implementation of special customer
requests.” At Terheggen & Dethlefsen,
the new pump station was specially