Auger Screw Spares For All Types
Of Machine
Trantec are leading suppliers of auger steel. The bar or wire stock must be including the manufacture of custom
screw spares to the Solids and Bulk accurately moved as the mandrel rotates bar and wire forms by cold drawing. This
Handling industry. From screw feeders to form the correct pitch of the helix. well-established method of manufacture
to flexible screw conveyors to filling Trantec modified existing machinery has many advantages and will allow
machines, Trantec have supplied an to accomplish this task with accuracy very small quantities of custom wire
array of replacement auger screws and consistency being at the forefront shapes to be produced. Easily obtainable
and ancillary parts since 1997. Trantec of the process. Stock in-feed can have standard bar can be formed into custom
particularly specialise in full flight a significant effect on how the spiral is shapes and sizes before being rolled into
augers for Powder Handling Equipment, formed and careful consideration was a helix.
manufacturing these screws to very high given to the wire guide method. The precision at sensible prices. angle of application, tension, speed of The key element of Trantec’s
application and distance between the manufacture remains their ability
Not all screw feeder manufacturers mandrel and the in-feed guide all play a to produce tooling in-house using
however use a full flight screw, part in the quality of the spiral produced. the latest CAD/CAM software and
with some suppliers opting for the
advanced computer guided machine
simpler spiral, spring type augers. Spring type Bulk Solids feed screws tools. Custom draw tooling and custom
To ensure Trantec cover the full range of come in many shapes and sizes. All too forming mandrels can be manufactured
replacement spares, a development often the wire form can be difficult to quickly and cost effectively, allowing
program was established to manufacture obtain, especially if only one auger screw small quantity production runs. Larger
spring type augers at their Clayton-le- is required. There are many established quantities offer the economies of scale
Moors production facility. companies who can manufacture and make the process even easier on
whatever wire form is needed but your budget.
Augers of this type are usually formed their minimum order quantities can be by winding a wire form onto a mandrel. hundreds of kilos making one-off spirals For further information please visit
The wire can be square, round or prohibitively expensive. Trantec have or call 01282 777566
rectangular and of stainless or carbon added to their development program by
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