“This means for an eight hour shift, we This is further supported by Ishida’s
are operating for seven and half hours. IDCS (Ishida Data Capture System)
This helps to maximise efficiencies and whose powerful software captures
throughput, and will allow us to achieve a the data from every pack that passes
fast payback on our investment.” across the checkweigher to generate
The user-friendliness of the RCU, which
also stores pre-sets for all products that
the iTPS handles, is equally important.
real-time displays and reports which
focus attention on major cost-saving
“Our operators are all familiar with For POEX, the speed, accuracy and confectionery, dried fruits, and cereals,
Ishida equipment, so the introduction reliability of the Ishida iTPS solution as well as a factory dedicated to the
of the iTPS caused no issues,” confirms on small pack sizes are enabling the production of poppy seeds.
Jaroslav. “And if for any reason, we need company to develop a whole range of to transfer an operator from one of our innovative new snack products. To meet other factories to this line, they can the potential increase in production very easily take up the new role with no and packing that this will require, the training required.” company is currently considering the
The DACS checkweigher provides
confirmation of pack weights but more
annual turnover of approximately 30
packing capacity of 250 bags per minute.
importantly also delivers valuable POEX was established it 1993. Originally
production information on every pack specialising in traditional snacks,
that can be quickly and easily accessed by the company’s product portfolio
POEX to assess overall line efficiencies. has grown over the years to
16 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk
divisions spread over four factories. It
employs around 230 people, with an
installation of a second iTPS to give it the
include chocolate coated products,
Today the company has five product
million Euros.
Ishida Europe
Tel: 44 121 607 7700
Email: [email protected]