Ishida X-ray ensures high
quality for sausage exports
An X-ray inspection system from Ishida The sausages are taken to the production contaminants are usually found again
is enabling leading German meat and line in strings on special smoke trolleys and again in sausage manufacture, the
sausage manufacturer Goldschmaus Natur and manually fed onto the processing system can be optimised to look for
to meet the highest quality standards line. Once cut from the strings, the these objects. This collects valuable
required for the export of its Frankfurter individual sausages pass through the visual and numerical information that
sausages to Japan. X-ray system at high speed, separated by helps to eliminate recurring sources of
only a few centimetres. contamination. In this way, Goldschmaus
Natur can demonstrate that its
The Ishida IX-GA-2475, which has been
designed for inspecting small products The patented technology behind Ishida’s production and packaging processes are
at high speeds, has been installed at X-ray inspection systems is based on properly and correctly performed.
Goldschmaus Natur’s factory in Garrel, software incorporating an intelligent Münsterland to check for foreign bodies in genetic algorithm. By analysing image The Ishida IX-GA 2475 is operating at
unpacked Frankfurter sausages produced data over a number of generations, the a belt speed of 60 metres per minute,
according to a special recipe for the machine achieves an extremely high inspecting up to 200 sausages per
Japanese restaurant and catering industry. level of inspection accuracy. Since similar minute. While the X-ray inspection
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