Full marks for 10 litre
container choice
RPC Promens Industrial is meeting Dynostack offers an ideal entry-level defined corner ribs for extra strength
growing demand for 10 litre industrial solution for many products, while the and stability during stacking; and
containers in a variety of markets with a Continental is certified to the highest improved hand clearance around the
choice of three designs that satisfy the standard of UN testing, making it an handle and an indented grip on the base,
needs of a many different applications. X Pass container. This underlines the for safer handling and improved pouring.
robustness of the design and means SmartCan is also available in 20 and
The three ranges – Dynostack, it is the most suitable container for 25 litre sizes, enabling the creation of
Continental and SmartCan – offer hazardous products and extreme family ranges.
a durable construction for a reliable environments.
RPC Promens can provide full technical
performance, including UN certification
for the carriage of hazardous goods. The The latest introduction, SmartCan, support, including assistance with filling
use of food grade material and a range of combines an aesthetic design for trials.
neck options give them the flexibility to maximum on-shelf appeal with a variety handle all types of products, and a choice of user-friendly features. These include of colours and decoration options allows a conical neck finish that protects the customers to promote their individual cap from contact with other containers brand image. and enables optimised emptying;
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