“The mixer is very easy to clean, and
we now meet the most stringent
hygiene requirements. In addition, the
mixer consumes very little energy, has
proved to be easy to integrate into
our process, and the maintenance
costs are low,” says Virani.
‘Gentle’ processing
Successful follow-up
After a year during which the process
The Balaji Group has a history that
operating and energy costs, the Balaji reads like a novel. Because of a
Group decided to equip the process poor harvest on their father's farm
line in the Valsad and Indore factories and the subsequent lack of income,
with the same Lindor mixers. founder Chandubhai Virani and his
In total, Lindor has supplied three
L1000 mixers with liquid injection,
of the engineering and installation retractable inlets and outlets and a
of the short process line, of which water jet finish.
discharges very quickly. In addition, Lindor also supplied a
The 400 – 500 kg batch is conveyed volume of 500 litres.
rapidly, in a few minutes, by a F3
business as a result of a poor harvest
line had proved its reliability, with low Lindor’s Indian partner FPT took care
the mixer is a part. The Lindor mixer
The Balaji history: A million-dollar
fourth mixer, an L500 with a batch
two brothers left the parental home
in the '70s. They moved to the city of
Rajkot. At the time, Chandubhai was
15 years old and found a job in the
cafeteria of a cinema.
Because the supplies to the canteen
arrived on a very irregular basis,
Chandubhai decided to teach himself
Floveyor. Lindor’s Engineering & Service how to make crisps. Today, the
Manager, Akko van der Lee looks, family business that evolved from
This is a unique aero-mechanical looks back on this with great his enterprise, owns several factories
conveyor system that, just like the satisfaction “The Balaji company is a with over 1800 employees in total.
mixer, is particularly gentle with the frontrunner in quality and efficiency The factories produce 100 thousand
product. in India. In India, they are considered kilos of potato crisps, and half a
pioneers by their willingness to invest million kilos of other savoury snacks
in expensive, Western equipment. We every day. Balaji is the second largest
find it a pleasure to work with this producer of potato crisps in India. The
company.” current managing director, Keyur, is a
nephew of founder Chandubhai.
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