Happy with the result: Michael Fahr (Leuze electronic), Jan Kronenberg and Thomas Berger (SN Maschinenbau) (from left)
visualization system now with the LSIS the LSIS 462i has been integrated into also down to the homogeneous lighting
462i is a camera-based technology. This the new bag packaging machine also in a integrated into the LSIS 462i,” adds
becomes an absolute high-end solution in stainless steel protective housing with a Michael Fahr. Due to its integrated,
combination with the employed KRTM20 high IP degree of protection, which does strong RGB LEDs, the new camera-based
contrast sensor, which can save different not compromise its detection capability in visualization optics are highly independent
contrast values of print marks on the any way. of ambient light and can be specifically
packaging, which can be accessed directly
adapted to every conceivable packaging
from the control. “Such a convenient, and CHECKING EXPIRATION DATES design. Its focus can also be changed
at the same time, economical solution Another challenge in this application is automatically in motor-driven fashion.
had been in my mind for a long time. But posed by checking the legibility of the It requires no mechanical intervention
up until now, I had not yet found a way to expiration date labels. If expiration date or even the opening of the camera by a
make this a reality,” says Thomas Berger. codes were printed in poor quality in member of staff. Changes to packaging
He is clearly delighted with this high-end the past, the data was illegible due to characteristics can be conveniently stored
model. In the past, either reference codes misprints in the packaging system or in recipes and accessed with the machine
could be detected, which were depicted the print was missing completely, such recipe by the user.
in the form of a bar code, or 2D-codes. bags would only be able to be detected “In order to be prepared for the future in this high-speed application with very IMPRESSIVE ALL ROUND – A COMPLETE
tasks of our customers, it is important to expensive systems. By contrast, the SOLUTION
have a solution for bar codes, data matrix new smart camera technology evaluates Jan Kronenberg and Thomas Berger agree
codes and QR codes simultaneously,” the expiration date labels on every that the complete solution impresses
points out Berger. For this problem, too, single bag by means of several quality on every level: The stationary LSIS 462i
Michael Fahr had the fitting solution for features – both at a standstill and when from Leuze electronic employed in this
him with the smart camera, because the moving at up to 4 m/s. A second LSIS application combines expertise garnered
LSIS 462i is a multi-code-capable high- 462i detects the quality of each and over several decades from the field of
speed reader which can detect different every code in the same way and also 1D-code reading with innovative smart
types of reference codes. The check takes performs a reference code comparison, camera technology. It reads bar codes,
place while the packaging is moving at so that the packaging actually contains 1D-codes and 2D-codes reliably, both
a speed of up to 4 m/s. Due to the strict what it proclaims. “Last but not least, printed and directly marked. At the same
hygiene conditions in the food industry, clear legibility of the expiration dates is time, it detects expiration dates.
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