during food handling. However, the type result of this collaboration over a number In sensitive environments, where
of robot used, and equally importantly, of years has been the development of operating temperatures range between
its design characteristics, require detailed a consistent, high-performance and 4°C and 10°C, condensation, oil expansion
consideration if the highest standards cleanable robot designed specifically for and cooling off occur within a few minutes.
of cleanliness and food safety are to be sensitive food industries. The effect of the heat generated by the
maintained within hygienically sensitive
environments. Little will be achieved if the
potential human sources of contamination
A primary objective of the project was
to consider the potential sources of
robot is most noticeable when the robot
reaches the end of the production cycle.
contamination, and how best to eliminate The ideal conditions for bacterial
them. This encompassed a detailed review growth inside a robot include: medium
standard. of not only by the mechanical elements temperatures between 15°C and
of the rob ot, but also how the working 40°C; water presence and activity;
The HE project – developing a clean robot environment and temperatures could vapour condensation drawn from the
for sensitive environments influence the generation of contaminates. environment directly into the robot
A collaborative study between the Of the three main types of robot used European Hygienic Engineering & Design within the food-manufacturing sector: Group (EHEDG), ECOLAB (Minneapolis, Delta, 4-axis and 6-axis, the Delta MN) and STÄUBLI ROBOTICS, known as configuration holds the greatest potential The collaboration and study, took into
the Humid Environment (HE) Project, for contamination. The architecture of account multiple factors including:
set out with the goal of achieving this type of robot means that its motors, robot arm design, potential for bacterial
technological advances that would elevate transmission oils, retention zones and the contamination, retention zones, dielectric
the standards of hygiene for robots used overhead mounting frame itself, are all exchanges between cleaning solutions
in sensitive environments to the highest located directly above the food product. and the various metals used in the arm
are replaced by others resulting from the
use of robots of an inappropriate design or
Another factor which is not always
(including bacteria); neutral pH; and most
significantly, lack of access for cleaning the
inner parts of the equipment.
construction and surface treatments.
The project brought together considered carefully enough, is that during Ultimately, the cooperative study showed
dairy manufacturers, freezing and operation a robot can heat up to 70°C, that ‘HE grade’ can be considered as a
thermoforming equipment manufacturers especially when installed within a high- recommended standard for use in the
and robot manufacturers familiar with speed line. design and engineering of both 4-axis
EHEDG guidelines and specifications. The
and 6-axis robots. To achieve enhanced
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